"To be too certain of anything is the beginning of bigotry." -- Novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Where Am I Now?

     Anyone who saw my last post has figured out that I'm taking a little R&R in the Carolinas. We came for the beach, but unfortunately the weather has not been cooperating. It's been cool and cloudy -- okay for walking on the beach, but not for sitting on the beach. Swimming? Forget about it. ("This is highly unusual," everyone keeps telling us. "It's supposed to be summer by now.")

     So yesterday we decided to go to see the historic city that's only about an hour's drive from where we're staying. Can you figure out where we went? Remember, we came to the Carolinas. But, careful ... it's a trick question.

In case you can't see it, that's a Pirate House
You thought I was kidding. I think that's a real pirate!
A cobblestone street leads down to the river
There's a modern suspension bridge
And a modern convention center
Historic River Street
We went to Huey's, a Cajun restaurant, but it's surely not New Orleans
The famous Cotton Exchange
It's a city of squares, this is Johnson Square
City Hall

     So what do you think? Can you figure out what city this is? It's an historic city. On a river. We're vacationing in the Carolinas. But as I told you, there's a trick. So, it's . . . 


DJan said...

And you expect me to know where? I've never been there, that's all I know. C'mon, Tom! Give!

Olga said...

Savannah, Georgia.

Meryl Baer said...

A few years back we visited friends in Hilton Head in the early spring, but it was winter cold and windy. We also spent one day in Savannah. It is a charming city and we had a great day.

Mac n' Janet said...

You're in Savannah, I live very near here. And it's still cool here too, should be hot by now.

Lorna said...


schmidleysscribblins.wordpress.com said...

Looks like Savannah GA to me. I remember the cobblestone road from my childhood...sitting in the car, hanging out the window, and wondering where Mom and Dad were. We lived in Myrtle Beach SC at the time. My second choice would be Charleston, but your other photos don't look like Charleston. Dianne

Linda Myers said...

I guessed Charleston before I read your other comments. Guess it's Savannah.

Juhli said...

Hope you are enjoying Savannah. I live in Atlanta and it is definately unseasonably cool.

Kay Dennison said...

Savannah!!! My late mother-in-law was born and bred in Savannah. It was a favorite vacation for us!!!

stephen Hayes said...

I've never been, but it sounds to me like you're in Savannah, as many others have guessed.

Unknown said...

Savannah. One of my all time favorite cities. I love the way the town was laid out. It's such a charming place. I'm jealous.

Tom said...

I thought I might trip a few people up because a) the bridge looks a little like the one in Charleston, and b) I didn't mention Paula Dean's restaurant The Lady and Sons (we tried to eat there, but it was booked solid).

Ya'll are too smart for me. Next time I'll have to make it harder.

Anonymous said...

Savannah. Hope you had supper at the Old Pink House restaurant.