Take this quiz and find out how high your Baby Boomer IQ is . . . I'll have the answers for you in my next post.
1) Who was Bucky Beaver?
a) Star of the 1957 - '62 sitcom "Leave It to Beaver"
b) Snoopy's friend in Peanuts
c) A character in a toothpaste commercial
d) He told us not to start forest fires
2) Who was Alexei Kosygin?
a) Russian chess master
b) Premier of the Soviet Union, 1964 - 1980
c) National Security Adviser for President Carter
d) Villain in the 1967 Bond film You Only Live Twice
3) "You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you" is from ...
a) Bob Dylan's 1965 song "Like a Rolling Stone"
b) Tom Wolfe's 1968 book The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
c) The 1970 movie Five Easy Pieces
d) John Lennon's 1968 song "Revolution"
4) Who never appeared on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, the iconic comedy that ran from 1967 - 1973?
a) John Wayne

c) Richard Nixon
d) Bill Cosby
5) What was the federal minimum wage in 1968?
a) $1.25 per hour
b) $1.60 per hour
c) $2.20 per hour
d) $2.40 per hour
6) What was the median price of a house in 1968?
a) $18,000
b) $25,000
c) $35,000
d) $52,000
7) Kunta Kinte was a Mandinka warrior in Roots. What was his slave name?
a) Alex
b) Tom
c) Toby
d) George
8) Where did Rob and Laura live on The Dick Van Dyke Show?
a) New London, CT
b) New Holland, PA
c) New Rochelle, NY
d) New Brunswick, NJ
9) Malcolm X
a) Was a notorious Civil Rights leader
b) Was a notorious New York gang leader
c) Was a notorious 1970s rap star
d) Played Will Smith's father in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
10) Who shot J. R. in the final episode of the 1979-1980 season?
a) Kristin Shepard
b) Bobby Ewing
c) Sue Ellen Ewing
d) Clayton Farlow

a) Backstroke
b) Breaststroke
c) Gymnastics
d) Diving
12) Who was not an original Charlie's Angel?
a) Farrah Fawcett
b) Jaclyn Smith
c) Cameron Diaz
d) Kate Jackson
13) Princess Grace was:
a) Princess Di's older sister
b) Later became Queen of Luxembourg
c) Was the mother of rock star Prince
d) Married Prince Rainier of Monaco
14) Psycho
a) Won Best Picture Academy Award in 1961
b) Starred Tippi Hedren
c) Featured a cameo appearance by director Alfred Hitchcock
d) Was filmed on location in Portland, Oregon
15) "I can't believe I ate the whole thing" is a line from ...
a) The 1971 ad introducing the McDonald's quarter pounder
b) The 1967 movie Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
c) An Alka-Seltzer ad
d) Julia Child's groundbreaking TV cooking show
16) Chou en-Lai was ...
a) George H. W. Bush's favorite presidential meal
b) Elected the first Asian-born mayor of San Francisco
c) Leader of communist North Vietnam
d) Premier of the People's Republic of China
17) What movie won Best Picture Academy Award in 1973?
a) The Sting
b) American Graffiti
c) Cries and Whispers
d) The Exorcist
18) Sally Ride
a) Debuted in 1974 as a new ride at Disney World in Orlando
b) Flew as the first American woman in space
c) Climbed the charts as a hit record by The Rascals
d) Was a slang word for cocaine
19) Who won the first Superbowl in 1967?

b) Green Bay Packers
c) New York Jets
d) Kansas City Chiefs
20) What was Robert F. Kennedy's middle name?
a) Fitzpatrick
b Fitzgerald
c) Francis
d) Foley
Bonus Question) "I want to buy the world a _____"
a) Whopper
b) Coke
c) Pepsi
d) Pet rock
Happy New Year and post answers soon!
Don't know if I got them all right, but I made a good effort. Now I need a nap. Happy New Year!
I kind of sucked at the quiz and I wasn't even high during the 60s and 70s. Lol
I think I got about half of them right, which I guess makes sense since I was born almost exactly half-way through the Baby Boom. Happy 2018!
I knew quite a few, but not all. Happy New Year.
Great quiz, Tom - I'm with Janis, I think I got half of them correct. I am looking forward to reading the answers.
If I get most of them wrong does that mean I'm not a Baby Boomer?
Great quiz Tom. Thought I was going to do well but you stumped me on some. Look forward to the answers! Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, Tom.
I loved this quiz, knew hardly any answers, so you've made me feel quite young ;)
Ha, ha, David ... that's a great way to look at it! I'll have all the answers day after tomorrow.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
I am the tail of the boomers. It was a good stretch of my elementary mind!
Oy, I failed. Hey, do I have you to thank for introducing me to the "Olderhood" blog?
I adopted a baby monkey after I found him on the side of the road next to his mother's lifeless body. The baby didn't know what to do and was sad and crying so I decided to take him with me and help raise him. So I decided to daily post a YouTube video of our baby monkey so everyone can see him. Here's my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYm1jZ-9CFQD1inehrhYcIg
Good Morning, love your blog, your humor and insightful writing. And your blog is a daily must read for me.
And now for a tech issue (you knew something was coming right?) over the past— at least 3 days your blog has been displaying weirdly on my iPad. 99% of the time I read is spent using this device. When I go to your site your blog lines up on the left filling at best 1/4 of the screen, no matter which way I rotate the device. This is not happening with other blogs or material I read. I’m wondering if some setting within your blog has inadvertently been changed? I didn’t see anyone else noting this problem, neither do I experience this with any other blogs or reading on my iPad.
Thanks, Sonja
Wendy, no it wasn't me, altho' I wish I could take credit for it ... looks like a good blog. sbjdncmls, many thanks for the compliment. I checked B's iPad and the same thing happened. But if you spread your fingers on the screen it makes it bigger, and readable. Does that fix it for you, or is there something else?
Yes, I can spread my fingers & get it to readable size, although it still does not load the way it used to load to the page, nor does it fill up my screen. I just found it odd as no other blog I follow does that. I thought perhaps it was a recent update to the iPad but then all other blogs should load the same as how yours does if it was affected by an iPad update—and they don’t. Thx for your prompt response Tom, and while noticeable is not so big a deal to prevent me from my daily read of your blog along with many of the linked blogs you list. Sonja
Oh Yes! That was a good one. I didn't get all (though I should have) but it sure brought back memories - good and bad. I love when you do these quizzes.
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