"I can't be a pessimist, because I'm alive. To be a pessimist means that you have agreed that human life is an academic matter." -- James Baldwin

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Pick Your Favorites

     As I mentioned in my November 4 post, I'm taking a photography course at home. While I'm here in South Carolina, as part of the course, I'm putting together a portfolio about the beach in November. The idea is to show the beach in its more natural state, after all the crowds have gone home.

     Most of the photos feature shots of sand and water and jetties. But I want to include a few photos of town as well. After all, when you think of the beach, don't you also call up the image of the dive bar, or the souvenir shop, the ice-cream stand or the restaurant with fishnets hanging from the ceiling? Here's a photo of a restaurant, taken through the front window.

     Ultimately I'll probably include two or three town shots in my portfolio. So, if you would do me the favor, could you tell me in the comment section below, which of these rank as your favorites. Here we have a souvenir shop, looking in the front door.

     Or . . . maybe this photo of a display which I found along the side of a building.

     Or, of this dog trying to look cool . . .

     But like I said, it's the people who count the most. Here's a fisherman out on the pier.

     And a woman lying on the beach . . .

     Or, do you prefer the long shot of the couple on the beach?

     Then we have a bird's eye view.

     And a seagull who ... she looks cold, doesn't she?

     Finally, a more abstract look at a fence.

     That's all I have for now. Again, I'd value your opinion on which are your favorites, hoping that at least a couple of them are interesting enough to catch and hold your eye.

     When I get home, and after I present my portfolio to the class, I'll be sure to bring you the results -- meaning, what the teacher and my classmates said about them. Thanks again!


DJan said...

I like the third and fourth ones, and the long shot of the beach. Also the last one is very nice, in my opinion. The birds don't capture my interest much, but they are still good pictures. :-)

Mac n' Janet said...

Love the last photo, was it a choice and the 3 animal photos.

Cindy: Long Time Blogger said...

What camera are you using?

Mona McGinnis said...

My favorites are the display at the side of the building and the dog with glasses, less commercial compared to the business shots. The picture of the woman wrapped up on the beach is appealing as well.

Juhli said...

I agree with Mona but would add the seagull picture. The first one of the restaurant could be a title shot.

Meryl Baer said...

I like the display on the side of the building and the fence. Also the fisherman. Good luck with the class!

Anonymous said...

The cool dog and the display against the side of the building are my favorites

priscilla said...

I like the last 2

Kathy @ SMART Living 365.com said...

Hi Tom! The dog with the glasses wins hands down! Next the Fisherman. I hope you are having fun! ~Kathy

Barb said...

Love the last photo, and as a dog lover you know i love the dog!

Tom said...

One thing I've learned about photography ... you can never go wrong with a dog. Thanks for all your help; I'll be taking notes.

stephen Hayes said...

The dog trying to look cool gets my vote.

David @ iretiredyoung said...

Based on your introduction of the focus being the beach after the crowds have gone, my votes for the top three (not in any particular order) are:

The restaurant sign - I like the colours and the framing, and it seems to fit the subject matter as I can only see one guy in the restaurant and then a bunch of empty chairs, presumably because the crowds have gone. (It was a close thing between this one and the empty shop to be honest).

The lady in the deckchair - she's wrapped up and has the beach to herself, which shouts offseason to me.

This last pick is perhaps the one that I would put third on my list. It's the last picture on your post, which is the beachscape view with the houses in the background. No crowds, so it fits your topic. I really like the photo, but the reason I have it as third is because it looks quite stereo typical in some ways.

All good photo's though, it seems the course is working!

Unknown said...

The cool looking dog, the fence and the last picture of the beach. Looks like you're having fun with your new assignment for you class.

Olga said...

I guess that I really prefer close up to the panoramic type of photo, but I might make an exception for that very last photo. I like the side of the building, the seagull, and the lady on the beach. I would like the fence and shadow more if it was taken from a slightly different angle so there was perspective of the fence with a vanishing point.

Unknown said...

I like the first photo, the dog, the couple-gives a feel of the emptiness of the beach, and I really like the fence photo.

Savoring Sixty said...

I pick the lady on the beach wrapped up and sitting by herself as my number once choice. I am always a sucker for a dog wearing sunglasses!

Celia said...

I love the abstract fence, the long shot of the beach are my first two and the dog and the woman in the blanket my second. Enjoyed seeing all of them.

Barbara said...

Love this set of pictures. I especially like the lady all wrapped up on the beach. A cold day on the beach with the wind blowing and the damp air seeping into your bones is a feeling I remember well. Good job on all.

JudyC said...

I like 1, 3, 4 and the last one.

retirementreflections said...

Great photos, Tom! I am also a fan of the photo of the dog wearing the sunglasses. I also love the opening photo of Snapper Jack's. Truly, I think that you can't go wrong with any of these photos. Thank you for sharing these.

Anonymous said...

The glass balls with the weathered slatted box/trap, the weathered fence and the last photo of the empty beach are great photos and then the dog with sunglasses is your bonus shot because who doesn't love a dog in sunglasses. - plynjyn

Still the Lucky Few said...

I like the one with the man fishing...something about the composition is appealing. I think it says, "relax"! You have a good eye. That is worth more than a good camera!

Bob Lowry said...

The last two are my favorites. The shadows and textures are most interesting to me.

CW said...

I like the ones of the fence, the display on the side of a building, and the dog. Looking forward to getting back into photography.