"To be too certain of anything is the beginning of bigotry." -- Novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Games People Play

      I just finished doing today's Los Angeles Times crossword puzzle. Later, I'll do the New York Times crossword. I do it online. I started doing crossword puzzles during Covid as a way to pass the time. But somehow I've become addicted, and I've continued doing them pretty much every day, long after our lives have returned to some semblance of normal.

     My wife turned to jigsaw puzzles during Covid. She started with a few 500-piece puzzles, then graduated to 1000-piece puzzles. When she completed one it sat on the dining room table for a few weeks to show off her accomplishment. However, unlike me, once Covid was over she stopped doing the puzzles. She had better things to do.

     She also spent more time playing the piano during Covid. I think she regrets not having used more of the extra time Covid gave her to really improve her piano skills -- to accomplish something constructive during Covid. However, now she's been going out more, spending less time at home and less time at the piano as well.

     I wonder what games people started to play during Covid -- and if they're still playing them or if they've stopped. I also wonder how much people have returned to pre-Covid normal. Do you do all the things you were doing in 2019?

     The other weekend, my wife hosted a party. She and a group of neighbors -- eight women altogether -- drank wine, ate pie, and played Apples to Apples, a game where people draw cards and a judge decides who has the best match. It's a perfect party game that produces lots of laughter -- I know because I was upstairs in my office and had to put on headphones to hear the Netflix program I was watching.

     We'd played Apples to Apples a few times in the past. But never during Covid. Now people are comfortable gathering indoors, without masks, to laugh and have a good time. At least the weather was warm, so B could keep the windows open.

     I wonder what else people have been doing post-Covid -- or have not been doing. B and I like to dance. When we moved in 2017, we joined a local dance club that held social dances once a month at our community center. The club closed down during Covid. Now it's back holding Saturday night dances. But we have not been going. The thought of spending two or three hours on a dance floor crowded with unmasked people -- that just seems a bridge too far.

     I did go back to my table tennis club for a while, when Covid numbers were very low in our area. But I stopped when the numbers went back up. I've been thinking of going back again. But every time I think of sharing a room with 20 - 25 people who are running around and sweating and breathing heavily, I decide . . . well, maybe later.

     We have done some traveling -- mostly by car, not by train or bus or airplane. I am playing golf, because it's all outside. We've been to the movies a couple of times -- the theater has not been crowded at all. We have been going out to restaurants because it's been warm enough to sit outside.

     I'm not sure what we'll do now that the weather is getting colder. I don't mind popping into a store or the post office for a couple of minutes without a mask. I get my haircut. Can't wear a mask when you're getting your hair cut. But I'm just not sure I'd enjoy myself inside at a restaurant, sitting there for an hour or more, breathing in air recirculated through dozens of other people's respiratory tracts.

     Many people are more casual about Covid than I am. They think: heck, we're vaccinated, there are treatments now, it's no worse than getting a cold -- and besides cases are way down, we probably won't get it anyway.

     For us, Covid is over. But it's not over. Anyway . . . I'd better get to that New York Times crossword puzzle.


Kay said...

Wow! I won't even attempt the New York Times crossword puzzles. Those are really hard. My brain can't handle it. I do our JUMBLE in the newspaper sometimes. I also do the daily WORDLE with our kids in Maryland and Sri Lanka. He actually gets the new one ahead of us each day.:-)

Art used to do jigsaw puzzles and then the kids started sending them to him. Now we have a lot of them that he still hasn't done. Ah well...

DJan said...

Although my gym is partially reopened, my favorite class is no longer, so I don't go there. I am still very careful of covid, even though I'm vaccinated and double boosted. My husband is immune compromised and I would feel terrible if I brought it to him. I do Wordle every day.

ApacheDug said...

I can't really relate to this, but it was still an interesting read about your lives Tom. I'm always a little amazed when I hear people talk about life pre-covid, covid & post-covid. (Or see sad news stories about young people hurting themselves during the pandemic because of loneliness.) My life didn't change one bit during the whole covid. There is something to be said for flying solo.

Anonymous said...

I started playing wordle, and still do. It’s addictive! If I go to a restaurant, it’s during off hours, like 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Very few people there at that time of day. I mask in public. I’ve had Covid once, and I was quite sick from it. Don’t want to do that again. There is a bit of a social stigma, at least where I live, if you mask in public. Each person has their own risk tolerance, and I believe it’s important to respect each other and the choices we make.


Rian said...

We're still Covid conscious... still wear our masks when out and about... not when walking around the neighborhood, but when going inside any store. We do eat out occasionally now - inside but in a booth and usually when it's not crowded at all. I started playing a Nintendo Switch Game called Animal Crossing during Covid (grandson got me on it) and I still play. It's not a combat game or even a game you win... more a fantasy life-style on an island. I find it calming and love to just walk on the beach or swim in the ocean. DH did puzzles. He's stopped since. We both do the NYTwordle. Since we've never been too social or big travelers, life hasn't changed that much.

Arkansas Patti said...

I really haven't opened up much. Because I am high risk, I take most precautions. Vaccinated up a storm and mask in some situations.
I did get into online jigsaw and AARP crossword. Kay at Musings got me into Wordle. I'm just getting over a common cold that I swear must have been delivered:)

Olga said...

I have had lunch get togethers with friends for some time now. I still wear a mask if I am going to be in a crowd, but that is not often, of if I know I will be around someone who is immunocompromised.
I do the crossword in our weekly paper and I do the NYT Wordle and Spelling Bee daily. I do Sudoku as well, but not every day -- mostly when I am betwee n bookd and atrip to the library.

Cj said...

5 Crowns card game is hands down for us 2! Just read Costco has a 30 ft record breaking jigsaw puzzle out for the holidays. I couldn't sit on the floor that long. 😉

Red said...

I stopped doing some things during covid , but because of age I would probably have stopped them anyway. I do the crosswords and sudoku.

Tom said...

I tried Wordle once or twice. Didn't get hooked. But since it seems to be so popular, I'll have to give it another chance . . . not that I need another game to get addicted to!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that Covid is over, and I think that we will likely see a surge again as the winter sets in. So I played as much as I could all spring, summer and fall. I've been eating in restaurants (off hours like Carole) but wear a mask to and from my table, per epidemiologist recommendations. I do that for haircuts as well. I will keep an eye on local covid numbers and will curtail restaurants when the numbers go up. I spent a lot of time with family over the summer and I'm not looking forward to spending more time alone over the winter. I have been under the weather the past few days (flu? covid? common cold? who knows) but symptoms have been fairly mild, which I attribute to my flu and covid vaccinations.

Mona McGinnis said...

Two things I missed the most at the onset of the pandemic restrictions: hosting Home Routes house concerts & the monthly card night at the seniors' center. I haven't returned to either & don't plan to anytime soon. I don't know what that's about. Have a just gotten used to a dialed down life? Is it a natural aging thing? I still mask in a crowd, as I will today when I attend a craft show. I've often said I was made for pandemic restrictions, living a retired life alone in the country. Seasonal demands of the property continue with/without C19 restrictions. I did more journaling during the lockdown & made a point of connecting daily by phone with at least one person.

Anvilcloud said...

I tend to be masking a little more again with the numbers, including flu, going up. When we attend grandson’s hockey games, we mask in the lobby, but we are the only ones to do so. I also mask in stores, but I will sit at a cafe table with friends for an hour or two. I am now masking again, however, until I get to the table although I am not sure how much good that would do.

I don’t think I picked up any new activities during the isolation. I do my daily sudoku or three and now, Wordle. There was a time i the past when I began to get into crosswords a bit, but I seem to have more of a sudoku brian.

gigi-hawaii said...

Aw, you should have crashed B's party. The only rooster in that group of 8 cackling hens. What a hoot!

Barb said...

I have been considering both joining bunco and learning mah Jong at the senior center. Jigsaws are not my thing but I do both those crosswords on paper. We are mainly back to normal including movies. Every senior I know who has gotten ill post four shots has had bad cold type symptoms. I am much more concerned about the kids and RSV than I am seniors right now. If thing get worse, I'll dial back. I do agree with Mona that post pandemic I am not quite as social. And outgoing as I was, guessing i embraced my nesting instince more than i thought.

Tom said...

Gigi -- Now that's a dangerous suggestion!

Ed said...

I've been doing a daily crossword and Soduko puzzle for probably over ten years now. I guess you can say I'm addicted. Now that our newspaper is digital, I print them on one page (front and back) and then put by my chair upstairs for later in the day when I can relax for a few moments. But mine are probably pretty easy compared to the New York Times.

I guess being married to a physician, I quickly realized that Covid was never going away. We really didn't vary our routine much other than those first couple months when everything was pretty much shut down. But my wife still had to go to work everyday to man the front lines and neither of us really enjoy being in crowds even before the pandemic. So no new hobbies for me though we did spent more weekends together as a family instead of going to school related events for most of a year.

We have stopped wearing masks now and just go about life as we did pre-covid. Like you mentioned, we are all vaccinated, we've all had it at least once, and there are good treatments available should they be necessary. Fortunately none of us have co-morbidities that makes us particularly susceptible to Covid so our symptoms have been pretty mild. The only difference is now when we get our flu shot in the fall, we will probably always be getting a Covid booster at the same time.

Wisewebwoman said...

I've been playing Scrabble with the same group from around the world for about 15 years maybe more. We are all excellent players so have stuck it out through Covid, playing more frequently then as time got freed up.
I still knit and design. And of course writing and reading is a huge part of my life. And correspondence on line.
The family Zoom every Sunday (us 6 siblings, aging and I am the eldest) was instigated at the start of Covid and we continue and it's been such a boon in all our lives that I can't truly express how incredible it's been. Not without conflict at times - my #4 brother is controversial and argumentative - but he goes off in sulks at times (funny how our childish behaviours come to the fore always in adulthood) and gives us all a breather.
I found I didn;t fill time for the sake of it, just expanded what I normally do. And nearly forgot, I had enormous health challenges during that time too, now in abeyance fingers crossed.

Tom said...

Ed -- I fear you're right. Covid is never going away and we'll just have to learn to live with it. My only co-morbidity (that I know of) is age. Someone over 70 is about 10 times more likely to be hospitalized by Covid than a 25 year old, 5 times more likely than a 45 year old. If only I was 25 again!
Wisewoman -- We've been doing family zooms, too. Not as many as you but I agree, they are priceless. Hope you continue to feel better.

Rita said...

I wear my mask indoors all the time when I'm out. When my daughters come and visit, I wear a blue medical mask inside, but not at night.

I did hire someone to organize my journalism clips to send to the WSU archives. She had a headache starting when she was here Monday and isn't coming tomorrow because she has a sore throat. I'm worried.

I'm going to keep wearing a mask indoors. I'm not comfortable yet going to a restaurant or to the movies. However, when the Academy Award nominations come out, I might go late at night when the audiences are small.

Anonymous said...

Such an interesting and eclectic array of posts. Tom, I've been following you for quite some time, and honestly must admit a level of disappointment with how (apparently) Covid has dampened your -- and many others -- outlook and behaviors... myself included.

As I mention A LOT these days, being a former corporate Type A, my expectations for retirement have run smack into the first line of The Serenity Prayer -- not anything I've ever been good with. All I can say -- for today anyway -- is that this is all a developing work on progress.

Janette said...

We both fear the flu far more then Covid. We both have had several bouts before and with shots. We live in a state that has not generally masked in more then a year. You can tell the people from Jackson Hole with their expensive masks. We, and many in our age range or stage, mask when our nephews tell us the flu is rising. I always wore gloves out during flu season- washing hands often and walking away from people visibly ill. My husband has always shopped early. That was helpful during Covid.
My husband never changed- wood working is a solitary hobby. I have my gardening. I am back to my food bank work. I have also picked up group painting. What a blast that is. A group of us began walking Costco last winter during the bitter cold. We plan on hosting several card games during this winter. Where 2020 was the year of silence, 2023 should be our year of laughter.

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