"To be too certain of anything is the beginning of bigotry." -- Novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Who's Going to Travel?

      The last time we went anywhere was February 2020 -- 14 months ago --when we made our annual trip to Charleston, SC, to see kids and grandkids. We had planned to travel to Wisconsin last summer to see more kids and grandkids, but that trip got canceled.

     Now we're vaccinated, and we've decided it's safe -- or safe enough -- to get on the road again. We're heading to Virginia and South Carolina at the end of the week. We are driving. We are staying in a condo with vaccinated friends for two nights in Virginia. Then we will have our own airbnb for two weeks on a Carolina beach outside of Charleston.

     So no hotels. We will bring along our portable potty so we don't have to stop at a public restroom. We will be seeing the grandchildren, who of course have not been vaccinated. But they're used to wearing masks, so we've resolved to wear masks as well. It will be hard to keep them on all the time. But we think we'll survive a few slip-ups since, as I said, we're both vaccinated.

     We'll have to go into a supermarket to pick up groceries. We'll wear masks. And we think we could actually be safer doing that in South Carolina, rather than Pennsylvania, since the Covid count is lower there (15 cases/100,000 population in Charleston vs. 36/100,000 at home). Presumably, less virus in the air means less chance of being infected.

     We also plan to go to a restaurant or two -- but only outside. It should be plenty warm in the South Carolina evenings at this time of year.

Destination: Charleston
     We think we will be safe. We hope we will be safe. But regardless, we've decided it's worth the risk -- and we're not even sure being away is any risker than staying home.

     However ... we do have a plan to fly to Phoenix in the beginning of June. This outing has me a little more worried. An airport, an airplane, a rental car. Another airbnb. But it's a family thing. And we feel as though we have to go.

     And then in August we're finally going to make that trip to Wisconsin. Again, we'll be driving; we're staying in an airbnb by ourselves -- although it's far enough away that we will have to hazard a night in a hotel on the way there and the way back.

     We're relying on the miracle of modern medicine (we both got the Pfizer shots) to keep us safe, along with our own caution in staying to ourselves as much as possible, staying outside when we can, keeping our masks on when we're with other people.

     Are we crazy? 


ApacheDug said...

I wouldn't say you're crazy, you're going to great lengths to be careful... but is all that even necessary as you're both vaccinated? Tom, hope you two have a terrific time :^)

LEfting said...

I live in Canada, and we are having a spike in cases. When I look at the number of deaths in the US, I am horrified. Nothing in this world, not my kids, or my grand kids could get me to travel. To me, it's just not worth it. We will all stay home till this is over (we're all vaccinated, it's not us, it's the thousands who aren't vaccinated) and save the travel for another time. I hope you have fun, but to me, it's not worth the risk of dying or having lasting lung, heart or brain damage.

Don said...

My wife and I are both over 70 and we've been vaccinated. Neither of us has any serious longterm health issues. Having said that we have been visiting our favorite restaurants on a regular basis (Nevada has been at 1/3 full). Since the pandemic we've made a trip to Austin, TX to visit our daughter then, last January, made a trailer trip to Florida to visit an ailing aunt. We try to be careful: wear masks, use hand sanitizer, do reasonable social distancing. You've got to live not just exist.

Janette said...

Nope. You are not crazy. Time to go!
Once you get out the region- you will find that most of the country is cruising back to normal. I just got back from Idaho/Phoenix/California. Planes are full. My seat mates were all vaccinated. Masks on the plane. People are moving about the country.
Most restaurants have outside service. Most people are social distancing. Masks are an on/off thing in most places. Stores still require them, but people are outside enjoying the sun on their faces most everywhere. Rental cars, hotels, restaurants, funeral. I am not a science denier. I have been cautious for years and years. I am going to get on with life.

Two more months till Idaho. Few are masked there.Kids are in school full time. Many have already had the virus. They just decided to deal with it. My bil said the two shot reactions was worse then the COVID that he caught. My J&J wasn't nearly as bad as COVID. It wasn't fun, but I did live (Obviously).
It sure feels good to smile and acknowledge people in person again! Funny how the red states are the ones that everyone wants to visit. I, too, would be more cautious in Wisconsin since they have had less exposure so are more likely to be spreading it as they unmask.

Jack said...

You have nothing to fear. We live in Mt Pleasant. Travel to downtown Charleston daily. People wear masks here. People don’t wear masks here. Restaurants are open, some even with outside seating. Some restaurants are closed.
The main thing to remember is that to fight the virus you also need to be outside getting sun, getting vitamin E and D . In the beginning of all this we were told to stay inside, don’t go out. We should have been outside, in the sun walking around. In the fresh air.
Walk the beaches on Sullivan’s Island and Isle of Palms. It will be in the 80’s when you are here. Take the grandchildren, I rarely see masks on the beach. The beaches are wide open.
I am 80. I have had both shots. I am not “invincible”. Yet I/we know nobody who has the virus. Not in my group, my church, my community, anywhere. We do hear that “ I heard my brothers, uncle,sister in law, cousins father has it but he lives in Philly”. Rumors.
Again, I am not Pollyanna, but you will be safe here. Good Luck! Good travels. Good visit.

Tom said...

Doug -- The way you say it, it makes it sound like the final verdict on my sanity isn't in yet! And maybe it isn't. The thing is, I'm not sure Covid will ever be over, and I'm almost thinking we have a window here -- six months of effective vaccination, and who knows what happens after that.

But a plea to all travelers: please wear your mask. In your pocket doesn't count. Around your neck doesn't count. Over your mouth but not over your nose ... doesn't count!

ApacheDug said...

Tom, I'm sorry if my first post implied anything other than I consider you a pretty wise person, certainly wiser than me! :^)

Barb said...

Not crazy. Ss someone who drove cross country when it was worth I'd say you're over reading in the potty thing unless B has a major issue. I.used rest stop restrooms as normal and just did the paper towels holding the door thing when I left and sanitized in the car. I used wipes in gas station bathrooms but honestly felt silly for doing so. And everyone wore masks or did not get close. And I was surprisingly comfy with the drury in. I'll do the same thing when I head to CO via the long scenic canyons and mountains route here in a month.

Rian said...

No, you're not crazy. I do understand. Since DH and I got our 2 Pfizer vaccines, we have felt a bit 'safer'... and have had our kids (also vaccinated) over to the house. We did stay masked (unless eating) and felt pretty comfortable about it. This weekend our daughter drove in from the Hill country. She is not vaccinated, but did wear her mask. We visited for a bit inside and it was so great to see her that the possible risk was worth taking.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I too don't think Covid will just disappear, so we will all eventually have to take some risks. But if we remain masked, washing hands, and using basic common sense... we will be able to regain some of our activities. Just don't be careless or reckless as the threat is still there. I say enjoy your trips - just remain cautious.

Miss Merry said...

Still hesitant. Our two weeks after the second vaccine was yesterday and today we went to a local fire station for a drive-thru chicken bbq. None of the six people taking money and giving tickets at your car window was masked. We pulled around the building and none of the people making the boxes, bagging the boxes or bringing the meals to the cars was masked. Our counties vaccination rate is 28%.

Kay said...

No, I don't think you're crazy either. My kids are planning a short road trip, but they'll both be fully vaccinated. The worry is my 14 year old granddaughter, but they're planning to take all the safeguards of wearing masks, social distancing and having meals mostly take out. I know you two will stay safe.

I would love to fly to the mainland to see our kids and grandkids, but I'm still nervous. Art got his first shot in January. It's hard to know how long the Pfizer will be effective. Sigh...

Hope Springs said...

Nope...not crazy. I've taken a 7 hour trip (visiting parents plus a funeral) three times and stayed in a hotel twice. The hotel had appropriate precautions in place, I just checked in (with plexiglas between me and the check-in person) and my room wasn't serviced for the few nights I was there - fine with me. All in all, once I tried it, I was much less fearful. We've all a little shell shocked by the pandemic, I think, but we are vaccinated and if we take normal precautions (we too will be wearing masks and social distancing), it's time to get out there as we are comfortable. Your assessment that this is our "window" could very well be correct!

Kathspec said...

I think u will be fine! U r vaccinated u r good! I don’t think u need to bring a portable potty! A little over the top!
We have to live our lives as safely as possible after vaccinated! Especially us seniors! This covid is going to around for awhile if it ever really disappears. I feel that being vaccinated helps us led semi normal lives! I would travel now and feel pretty good! Going on beach vacation in sug with all kids and grands! Went last year too and we were fine but we didn’t eat out and all took precautions.

BethC said...

Not crazy. I have been super careful and have lived a monk like existence for 14 months. Went to DC after 2 weeks post second vac to visit my daughter and my recently widowed best friend., No issues. Planning trips to Cape Cod/NH and another to the Finger Lakes. Will continue to mask and distance Agree on the bathroom stop concerns but happy to have an iron bladder even as a senior. .

Liz said...

Nope, not crazy (except using a portable potty sounds way scarier to me than any public restroom I’ve been in). We just got back from a three day drive from SW Georgia to Wisconsin and were pleased with the risk mitigation, etc. The state-run rest areas in Alabama and Kentucky put all the other states to shame - not just clean spots for the dogs but well maintained rest stops for humans, right down to hot water in the sinks and paper towels. The chain truck stops were also clean for the most part. We are fully vaccinated and continue to mask, social distance, etc. I’m not ready to get on an airplane yet....

Arkansas Patti said...

I think you are very wise to take the additional precautions. The only thing we know for sure about this virus is that we don't know much fo sure. It is a learning curve and it seems each day brings new concerns along with new knowledge. If I planned to travel, I'd do what you are doing.

Sue said...

Dear Tom and Friends, from mid March 2020 until now, have been tracking the covid deaths in the US. The numbers, throughout this past year, have remained significantly less than 1%. What's most bothersome about the whole pLandemic, are the young people who have lost their homes and such, and probably won't be able to jet-set around, let alone retire.

Rebecca Olkowski said...

You'll be fine because you're vaccinated and being careful. But I would lose the porta-potty and bring some hand soap.

Tabor said...

Since you are vaccinated, simple precautions should suffice in all your trips. We are rounding the corner on this.

AWmom said...

I think it will be fine! While we have not traveled our Children have by car .You just take precautions and you will be fine. They said hotels give you the option to clean or not. Your room or just give you new towels. The pool visits were by reservation only. The highway stops were very clean just remember to sanitize .i would also say if you want to be extra careful do our new protocol when we come in from being out our doctor told us to clean our nose with saline drops and gargle with listerine so you flush out the germs. Enjoy

Tom said...

For a little more on the subject check out https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/30/heres-what-post-pandemic-travel-might-look-like.html

RetirementCoffeeShop said...

My wife and I have both shots and are traveling next week to North and South Carolina. This will be our first flight and first real trip since this whole pandemic began. We feel we are as well protected as we can get and are willing to take the chance to get back to living again.

Kathy @ SMART Living 365.com said...

Hi Tom! I agree with everyone else that you are not crazy. I think it is time for "safe travel" for those of us who have been vaccinated. We haven't taken a plane flight (not quite ready for that) but we have taken a road trip where we rented an airbnb. We eat at outdoor restaurants and believe it is best to avoid all indoor place (but lots of others seem to think otherwise because there were many eating indoors.) We wear masks when out in public but so far haven't had any trouble. Anyone unmasked we just avoid like the plague! It feels weird at first after not doing it for so long but your trip sounds like a great way to get back into the swing of things. Best of all, I'll bet you have a wonderful time! ~Kathy

Rita said...

I think you've thought it through very well. Good work. I'm going to keep wearing my mask, too. And I'm not going to eat inside at a restaurant anytime soon. Like you, though, the airplane is worrisome. When the airlines say they've improved the air quality in airplanes, I don't believe it.

Wisewebwoman said...

"An abundance of caution" is the phrase our Chief Medical Officer uses out here and it sounds like you are going to be super cautious.

Don't forget the new double variants for that extra sanitizer and perhaps double masking as needed and outdoors with others.

But carpe the diem and forge ahead.


Jennifer (UnfoldAndBegin) said...

We took a short hotel vacation last November and it was probably one of the safest things we did all year. It was my husband's last perk of being a Hyatt employee (after that he was permanently laid off instead of just being temporarily laid off) and hardly anyone was at the hotel. In fact, unless a family was swimming in a pool together, we'd only see one or none in the pools. The restaurants, which we ate in, were so socially distanced that you couldn't hear anyone else's conversations. The porter who helped us with our luggage said we were the first people he helped that day and he was already 3 hours into his shift.

In two weeks, we take our next vacation. Unlike you, we'll be going north to see my family for the first time since January 2019. Connecticut has more stringent guidelines than Florida does, so I'm not sure what to expect. But we are both fully vaccinated and have never stopped wearing masks.

gigi-hawaii said...

Well, happy trails. I hope it all goes well. You certainly are being cautious.

Nancy Coiner said...

I go with the consensus! You are far from crazy (though I think the portapotty is a little over the top). My local friends and I are starting to socialize -- only with vaccinated people -- and eat in outdoor cafes. And I'm planning travel, too.

I still find myself a little skittish about going into stores when I don't need to. I know it's silly -- I still wear a mask -- but....

Linda Myers said...

I think your plans make sense. You're vaccinated, you're abiding by the recommendations to keep yourself safe.

Now that we're vaccinated, I feel safe going into stores with my mask on. I flew twice last summer, back and forth between our homes in Washington and Arizona. Tomorrow morning I leave for a three-day drive from Tucson to Seattle, where I'll be spending the next six months. My husband is flying home three days later with our cat. We have no other travel plans for the summer, but we do have a weeklong visit to northern Washington to a timeshare.

Have a fabulous time!

Madeline Kasian said...

I’m kind of amazed at different people’s “opinions” about what is safe. It’s a pandemic with a new kind of virus with some dangerous mutations happening and no one knows for sure.That said, everyone will have their own comfort level with travel. We are vaccinated, but many others are not and they can transmit variants of the virus. Does our vaccine fully protect against those? Who knows ??? We feel comfortable to do car trips and rent an airbnb and cook most of our meals in. Our beautiful states has plenty of small towns to visit and relax if we do want to travel. I am not comfortable in restaurants, either indoors or out.. in Arizona it’s crowded.. no one distancing anymore,really. Masks have to come off to eat and drink. We’re so used to all our meals at home after this past year, we sort of lost our desire for pricey restaurant meals, even the cheaper lunches we used to do. Covid year changed us.

Planes? Not yet for us. Airlines are filling the middle seats,flights are full again, Hours on board, plus airport,security lines etc.. I am not ready.Don’t know when I will be.

I am going into grocery stores during less crowded hours, and I wear my mask.About a quarter of people in stores now are not wearing masks anymore since our Governor is so sure we’re “fine.” Home Depot,same thing. I don’t have the urge to “go shopping” much, even my favorite consignment store. Habits have changed this year.

I do meet up in our homes, with several social groups: My card playing group is 4 of us, all vaccinated. We go from house to house to play,every other week. My art group meets in the home studio of another friend,weekly. We have to sign up in advance. She keeps attendance gat 8 maximum (BIG studio) and all must be vaccinated to attend.So I am not isolated anymore.

But travel and restaurants are not a priority yet. I do miss seeing family Back East but it will have to wait. I think these are very personal decisions and none of us can say what is really “safe” since this is a once in a lifetime thing..... and still ongoing in most of the world.

Mage said...

You are going to have a great time on every trip.

Carol Cassara said...

I don't blame you for being careful. The odd variants out there are still unknown re: vaccines.