"A party without cake is really just a meeting." -- Julia Child

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ah, Florida!

     I've been a Florida for a week, so I figure I owe you a few nice photos. I'll skip the ones of crowded six-lane highways, intersections choked with traffic, and strip malls dotted with gas stations, drug stores, pawn shops and souvenir stores.

     We had a storm come through the other night, and it riled up the surf quite a bit. These are pretty heavy waves for the Gulf of Mexico -- big enough so they even brought out some surfers for a while.

     But by the end of the day the weather had mostly cleared up, and the sky graced us with a dramatic sunset over the Gulf of Mexico.

     This is the view from my ninth floor condo, overlooking a marina and the bay side of the island. I called B right after I took this picture, a little after 5 p.m.yesterday. She said it was already dark in New York; but as you can see there was still plenty of daylight left here in South Florida.

     I'm not saying I would want to live in Florida, especially in the summer. But there are three things I love about this place. The air is nice and warm and moist. It's good to breathe and it's good for your skin, The sky is open and all around you, and makes you feel free and expansive. And the light is bright and happy. You can see better in Florida ... and perhaps there are better things to look at here as well, at least in January.


Barbara said...

All true. But then there is summer.

DJan said...

I love Florida for a visit, too! My sister lives there year round, and I never visit during the summer for some reason. :-)

Anonymous said...

I like your photos. I spent 3 days in Orlando in January 1975 and 3 days in Miami in August 2013. Interesting cities to visit, but I prefer Hawaii.

Pam said...

Lovely photos!! Right now, our temps are in the teens and the only direction they're going is down. Makes me long to be in Florida, too. Enjoy yourself, Tom.

Tabor said...

Yes, but it does sit so low and floods so easily and the crowds! But lots of snow is also a big hassle when you age. I guess we just choose our headaches.

Olga said...

I have spent summer time in Florida and did not mind it so much. But Vermont can be lovely in summer. I love being in Florida in the winter time. I love the moist air, the expanse of sky, walking on the beach (which I don't do enough of lately). I love not wearing boots...although I can see this morning that walkers are all bundled up in winter jackets, hats and mittens. It must be 50 degrees.

Anonymous said...

Do you vacation without your wife B????? That would never be good in my marriage, either we go together or we don't go at all, we have had over 49 days of rain here and we go to the eastern part of Washington state for dry weather albeit it does snow there but a dry snow..The coast we visit in winter in Washington state is like no other no one goes much and we do get to get out fill of dungneness crabs just coming into fruition and clams yummmm! We fill ourselves up and talk to the owner of the restaurant we go to for hours we are usually the only ones there for hours, we adore it and drive home slowly, we enjoy the many months of shivering rain and constant dark days, if you live in Washington state on the western side of the state you must know that it is what it is in the winter time!

Anonymous said...

But it is green and lovely and majestic, many move here to find no jobs they must go north to Tacoma, seallte, Snohomish county, Bellingham is nice a college town but mostly retires who have the means to live there it is pristine and nice just no work to support a family of 4 at all! Seattle is lovely but one must have the means to live in King county or commute excellent transportation system just takes hours of ones life daily to commute, but many excellent jobs, hospitals and lovely setting just tooooo exorbitant but the hub of the whole state! Spokane one must get used to snow and lots of it, plus they kind of think as Spokane as a small city NOT, it is lovely and dry and sweet people just not that big really, we live at the butt end of the state near Oregon which in my opinion is a really backward state, elected a governor Kitzhaber THE 3rd time only to practically ask him to resign he did over his gal pal fiancé, oh, my goodness sakes Politicians are dirty everywhere, he is 68 almost 69 and a former E/R physician he should have stayed with that profession cause a young thing made him nearly become indicted for a lot of crap over his involvement with that woman he has never married, guess there is no fool like an old fool, he is gone and now the new governor a career politician no less is starting to act kind of well how can a person say it strange, the burns crap with that militia man and his followers should be asked to leave but the governor Brown doesn't do anything really!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus the state has the worst hunger in all of America for its size of population and many are homeless and no work, yet they always tout in the newspapers and magazines that Oregon is top place for people to move to REALLY? I DON'T THINK SO...Washington funds their schools and taxes you pay them here but you get something for the taxes paid, many think there are jobs here but there are not unfortunately you need to keep going north to the populated cities with unions, many labor places and businesses for the huge populations, oh well I have been told Florida is lovely, one must enjoy moisture and heat and the sand and sun, not toooooo bad, just would enjoy it with my hubs of 42 years, enjoy yourself though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mac n' Janet said...

Too many people in Florida, much better here in coastal Georgia.

Tom said...

I do go to Florida without B, because by the time we met, I'd already been doing this for a few years, and so the precedent was set. Besides, she doesn't like Florida. I invite her every year, but she prefers to stay home and shovel snow. Well ... she's also still working, and doesn't want to "waste" her precious vacation time on a place she doesn't care about.

I agree Florida is too crowded. If I lived down here, I might prefer Georgia or the Carolinas. But if you're only getting away from the cold for a couple/three weeks, you gotta go farther south.

Bob Lowry said...

Florida in the summer...did that for a few weeks every June for 20 years at a time share south of Tampa. I'll take Phoenix's dry heat any day. But, in the winter and early spring, Florida can be glorious. If I could figure out how to live part of the year in the Keys I would.

Anonymous said...

Every place has a downside and an upside. We must find the place we like most of the time and stick to it. I loved winter in FL when I lived there, however, I missed VA like crazy. These days I am nostalgic for WI, but not in winter.

'God gave all earth for man to love, but since man's heart is small, ordained that one place shouldl prove beloved over all.' ~ anon

Unknown said...

Hey dear I agree that Florida is such a beautiful place to visit. I also visited Florida last year as my sister-in-law is living there. That was an amazing trip. Well this year I am planning to go LA with my friends. We have already booked famous LA venue for that. Hope to have fun trip.