"I can't be a pessimist, because I'm alive. To be a pessimist means that you have agreed that human life is an academic matter." -- James Baldwin

Saturday, March 9, 2013

You've Got to See This!

     If you ever think the world is in a heap of trouble, worry that our young people are falling behind and half of them can't even read when they get out of high school, and wonder what will happen when it's time for them to step up to their responsibilities . . . then take a look at this. Okay, by itself this will not change the world. But, boy oh boy, it's pretty impressive. The clip was recorded last week -- and just remember, this is what he does for fun!

     A California college student solves a Rubik's Cube while juggling, and also while his friends are joking around and talking to him . . .


Douglas said...

Impressive. What is actually impressive is that he manipulates the cube with one hand and without seeming to look at it while doing so. "Solving" a Rubik's Cube is actually pretty simple (there are dozens of books on how to do it) and one can train himself to do it quickly and seemingly without looking. But to do it one handed while juggling (meaning that one hand has only a moment to manipulate the cube) is extraordinary. Try as I might, I still cannot rub my belly while patting myself on the head. This guy takes human multi-tasking to new heights.

Douglas said...

Addendum: Take a look at the David Calvo video to see a guy juggle 3 cubes while solving them:

Olga said...

That is pretty amazing. I remember when my sone was so excited when he first solved that puzzle. He mixed it up again and tossed it to his sister. She took it to her room and then came back in about five minutes with the puzzle completed--really bursting her brother's bubble, until he realized she had pealed off the color stickers and reapplied them. We all have our own ways of solving problems.

June said...

Multi-tasking, thy name is Ravi Fernandez.

June said...


schmidleysscribblins,wordpress.com said...

Amazing. Hopefully he is a math major? Dianne