"To be too certain of anything is the beginning of bigotry." -- Novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah

Sunday, July 17, 2022

True or Not True?

     My brother-in-law was over for dinner the other night, and we for some reason got talking about the differences between men and women. He told us he had read that when women get together they talk about relationships and emotions. When men get together they talk about facts.

     I'm not here to argue the difference between men and women. I just had to laugh when he said that men talk about facts. Because a lot of the "facts" we talk about are not really facts -- they're rumors, misremembered information, statements made by biased sources, or downright myths or old-wives' tales.

     Facts that aren't facts?

     The price of gasoline is way higher than it's ever been. Regular recently crested $5 a gallon in my town. Prices have come back a little, to about $4.59. Still, that's ridiculous! Well, actually, not. According to the New York Times, adjusted for inflation, the price of gasoline is just a few cents higher than it was for most of 2011 through 2014. And gas in the U. S. is considerably cheaper than it is in Canada (about $8 per gallon) or Europe ($6 - 7 per gallon). Arguably, if we're really going to transition to cleaner fuels, the price of petroleum products should be higher, even higher than they are now.

     The political left and political right live in different worlds. They will never agree on anything! Not really true, either. Remember, both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were against the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership). Presumably Joe Biden is, too, since he's done nothing to resurrect the TPP.  More recently, look who voted against Biden's Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Far-right Republicans Ralph Norman (SC), Matt Gaetz (FL) and Vicky Hartzler (M0). And so did far-left Democrats Jamaal Bowman and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and other members of "The Squad."

     Vaccines cause autism. The only research indicating that vaccines cause autism has been shown to be fraudulent, relying on data that was manipulated. In short, the results were fudged.

     Alcohol kills brain cells. According to Smithsonian, that only happens among severe alcoholics, and even then the damage is likely caused not by alcohol but lack of nutrition from a poor diet. (This is not a recommendation to drink more alcohol. There are plenty of reasons to drink less alcohol even if it doesn't kill brain cells.)

     Black holes. They're not holes. They're actually hugely dense objects with massive gravitational pull.

     Penguins mate for life. Some penguins stay monogamous throughout a mating season, but not many stay monogamous for their entire lives.

   The earth revolves around the sun. Not quite. The earth revolves around the solar system's center of mass, which oscillates somewhere in or around the sun. When it's outside the mass of the sun, as it sometimes is, the Earth is just orbiting around a point in empty space.

     Columbus discovered America in 1492. No, it was the Vikings around the year 1000. No, it was the East Asians who crossed the land bridge to North America during the Ice Age about 12,000 years ago.

     America has turned anti-immigrant. Today, there are 45 million foreign-born people in the United States, or 15% of the population. By comparison, in 1970, there were 10 million foreign-born people, or slightly less than 5% of the population. During the height of the immigration era in the late 1800s, there were 7 million foreign-born people in the U. S. -- but out of a much small population. So those 7 million comprised 15% of the population ... or about the same as today.

     Most current immigrants are illegal aliens, or undocumented workers. No, according to Pew Research, over three quarters of current immigrants are either lawful permanent residents or naturalized citizens. About 11 million, or 23%, are unauthorized immigrants (representing roughly 3% of the total American population.).

     We only use 10% of our brains. We use every part of our brain, and much of the brain is active most of the time, even when we're asleep. The brain represents about 3% of our body weight, but uses 20% of our energy. So ... we're smarter than we think!

     If you're disputing any of these facts ... well, that just proves my point. Don't trust facts that are casually thrown around -- especially by the men in your life -- until you check them out with a reputable source. Or in other words, let's make sure to use more than 10% of our brain power! 


Wisewebwoman said...

Much food for thought in your post, Tom. I am a listener when not too obvious, raised with four brothers, always hung with the lads so to speak and #1 topic was always sports followed by politics with the fellahs. #1 topic with the women were life stories, shared experiences, struggles (not least of which the patriarchy and misogyny). In mixed company the common ground was often food or performers and concerts. Very little emotion displayed in the mixed. But arguable facts as you mentioned.

gigi-hawaii said...

Women like to gossip, which I abhor. But what can I do? I Am a woman. As for alcohol, there's a reason why people are advised to not drink and drive. Alcohol impairs the brain. Even 1 sip makes me groggy. So it's best to avoid alcohol. It's not good for your brain, liver and pancreas.

ApacheDug said...

Very interesting. While I enjoy reading such facts (the gasoline one was an eye opener), I can't see myself with any group of men discussing such stuff. Maybe if I belonged to the Duquesne Club (a stuffy gentleman's club in downtown Pittsburgh) where I imagine such things are talked about over cigars and brandy.... I'm more comfortable talking to women anyway. :^)

Hope Springs said...

Interesting factoids. FWIW, my daughter in England told me today that she did the math and gas by them is $10.73/American gallon. Our Costco is at $4.35 today. I agree we need to pay more to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, but I'm not sure it will fly politically. Apparently we would rather cook ourselves than quit driving. Oy.

Hope Springs said...

I just googled and the latest I could find was $8.81 in her city. They don't have a car, so she may be out of date. Still, that's a LOT.

Arkansas Patti said...

There goes all my solid facts:) Though some of those fact busters I was aware of.
Gas here today dropped to $4.19. Yipee.
Fortunately the group of women I hang out with love to laugh and that is what we do.

Janette said...

Although our gas is still at $4.99, I agree that it is a reasonable price. The issue for us in more rural/farming areas is the access/cost of diesel. Until we pay more to them (not the companies that use their services), diesel and the bi products are an issue.
Native Americans tribes in N& S Americas dispute the land bridge thing.... They believe that life sparked in many places--just the "white and Chinese stories" have the most "scientific backings" Lots of walking, no matter what. I had one person form the Amazon Region say, "Have any great white explores been down here to dig up stuff?"...nope.
I do love that there is recognition of climate change when the Vikings sailed the Northwest Passages around the Arctic. It is a cycle (that is spinning faster.)
Why is it that fossil fuel is the main culprit in climate change? How about all of the forrest fires, volcanos, deforestation and WAR (OK- War uses a whole lot of fossils fuels).I remember teaching the Ozone effect in 1980. Then I taught about the elimination of the rain forrest. Mother Earth and Father Sky. Now it has moved from global warming to climate change. Still the rich fly around to tell us all how to live ;>)
All interesting "facts". The question is who is ACTUALLY the expert? Does that person really know anything for certain?

gigi-hawaii said...

Tom, please check your spam. My comment disappeared. Gigi hawaii

Tom said...

Wisewoman -- I think you're probably about right. Gigi -- I salvaged your comment from spam ... dunno why that happened, it hasn't before. Anyway, sorry about that. Patti -- I'm all in favor of laughing!

Ed said...

Hear ye, hear ye! One of my favorite things to do is sit quietly and listen to others loosely toss "facts" around.

I can't help myself but say it wasn't the East Asians who walked across the land bridge and discovered America. It was some fish that was developing strong leg like flippers that crawled up on the beach and made that discovery!

Rian said...

Tom, I wasn't going to comment here as a discussion on fact or non-fact is tricky... and truth even trickier. The philosophical definition of truth is the property of being in accord with fact. The definition of fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true. It's a bit confusing. You would think a fact is a fact, yet my truth may not be your truth. To me, herein lies the problem. If this sounds crazy, maybe it is... but it does make you think.
As for the difference in what men and women talk about - there usually is a difference, but I think it mainly depends on who comprises the group.

Don said...

I love some of your 'facts'! As usual a great post. Thanks for sharing.

Rebecca Olkowski said...

Last I checked in LA our gas price was 5.89 but going down a little. So true about facts being not always true. But headlines to convince you otherwise, sell.

Snowbrush said...

Interesting to envision the logical gender turning every conversation into a learning opportunity by sharing whatever hard data each man has accumulated since their last conversation, this happening while, in the next room, the illogical--and highly emotional--gender is talking about relationships, which means WHAT exactly--sharing gossip. If these are the only options, I think I'll stay home and talk to my cats.

Jennifer (UnfoldAndBegin) said...

Sadly, that adjusted for inflation gas doesn't come with adjusted for inflation income.

Kay said...

This was very interesting. I knew about a lot of those "facts," but it was fun to see. Our gas is about $5.60 in Hawaii (at Sam's Club or Costco that is). Do women a talk about mostly relationships? Hmmm...

I was just talking with two other women on Friday and we were talking about the gubernatorial race and COVID mostly. We also talked about travel and products to buy in stores. Not a lot of relationship talk.

However, though it's fun to talk to a mixed group, it is different when you're talking to just women. Hmmmm...

Kay said...

My the way, I have to keep checking my spam folder all the time because blogger friends somehow keep ending up there without me knowing.